travertneWe see a ton of travertine on a daily basis and are constantly cleaning, honing, polishing and sealing it.  If you’re reading this blog, you probably have travertine in your home.

Because of your familiarity, you already know that it’s a natural calcium-carbonate based stone.  That basically means it’s made of bones (sea shells) and it will etch when exposed to acid.  If you have etch marks, it could be from a pet having a liquid accident, a wine spill, milk, lemon juice or any kind of citric acid, etc.

These are the common things that etch travertine.

Another common problem with travertine is holes.  Travertine is actually a honeycomb-type product that has been filled at the factory and honed and polished smooth.  Holes will usually show up around the kitchen, by the sink, the fridge, the stove–anywhere there is lots of traffic.  The weight of human feet breaks down the thin bridge of certain spots of filler, and holes appear.  We can fill the holes.  We do it by the hour, as some types of travertine (generally the less expensive kind) has less structure and more holes.

Many times you don’t need the full boat of honing (wet rough sanding) and polishing (fine wet sanding) to get a good looking floor.  Many times you can simply clean the floor, extract the dirt from it and seal it to get a fantastic result.  So don’t hesitate to call us because you think the price might be too high.  You have many options, and we’re here to give you a free estimate and some good advice.

Good luck and Happy Living!
